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dc.contributor.authorBellos, Evangelos-
dc.contributor.authorSantillo, Dilys-
dc.contributor.authorVantourout, Pierre-
dc.contributor.authorJackson, Heather R.-
dc.contributor.authorDuret, Amedine-
dc.contributor.authorHearn, Henry-
dc.contributor.authorSeeleuthner, Yoann-
dc.contributor.authorStepanovskiy, Yuriy-
dc.contributor.authorBondarenko, Anastasiia-
dc.identifier.citationHeterozygous BTNL8 variants in individuals with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) / Bellos V. et al. Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM). 2024. Vol. 221. No.12. P. 1-21. DOI:
dc.description.abstractMultisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare condition following SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with intestinal manifestations. Genetic predisposition, including inborn errors of the OAS-RNAseL pathway, has been reported. We sequenced 154 MIS-C patients and utilized a novel statistical framework of gene burden analysis, “burdenMC,” which identified an enrichment for rare predicted-deleterious variants in BTNL8 (OR = 4.2, 95% CI: 3.5–5.3, P < 10−6). BTNL8 encodes an intestinal epithelial regulator of Vγ4+γδ T cells implicated in regulating gut homeostasis. Enrichment was exclusive to MIS-C, being absent in patients with COVID-19 or bacterial disease. Using an available functional test for BTNL8, rare variants from a larger cohort of MIS-C patients (n = 835) were tested which identified eight variants in 18 patients (2.2%) with impaired engagement of Vγ4+γδ T cells. Most of these variants were in the B30.2 domain of BTNL8 implicated in sensing epithelial cell status. These findings were associated with altered intestinal permeability, suggesting a possible link between disrupted gut homeostasis and MIS-C-associated enteropathy triggered by
dc.publisherRockefeller University Pressuk
dc.subjecthuman disease geneticsuk
dc.subjectinfectious disease and host defenseuk
dc.subjectinnate immunity and inflammationuk
dc.titleHeterozygous BTNL8 variants in individuals with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)uk
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